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Post # 1
Beauty tips in your home
1.Use a Carrot Mask – Grate a carrot and mix it with one teaspoon of honey. If used regularly applied on the face and left over for 15 minutes, it will surely bring about a change.

2.Pineapple punch – Mash a pineapple slice and mix it with some orange or lemon juice of an orange or a lemon and then mix them with wheat flour. Use it on your face and neck area and scrub it off after some time. Fresh and smooth skin all for you!

3.Lemon-Egg Mixture – Beat an egg white and store it in the freezer for 15 minutes. To this add lemon juice and a grated tomato. If applied for a month, you shall get a soft skin.

4.Guava – Smash a guava and stir it with an oatmeal and lemon juice mixture. The face shall glow after being applied.

5.Spinach – A cup of raw pureed spinach with one spoon of fresh cream should be applied on the face.

6.The Radish touch – A grated radish with a spoon of vinegar, one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of honey should be mixed well. Put them in distilled water and wash your face regularly with this mixture.

7.Honey touch – Mix a spoon of honey with an egg white and grated potato. This also has a fresh feeling with it.

Post # 2
RE: Beauty tips in your home

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