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Post # 1
Benefits Of Oatmeal
Wonders of Oatmeal

Healthy Hearts:
By combining soluble and insoluble fibre, oatmeal lowers bad cholesterol. Daily intake of 3 gms of soluble fibre from oatmeal reduces risk of heart diseases.

Stabilized blood sugar:
With a low glycaemic index oatmeal is assimilated slowly, keeping sugar levels stable. The American Diabetes Association recommends a daily fibre intake of 20 - 35 gms. One cup of cooked oatmeal supplies 4 gms.

Lowered risk of colon cancer:
High fibre content of oats is anti carcinogenic, effective especially for colon cancer. Whole oats result in bulky stool, which in turn dilutes carcinogens.

Enhanced fitness levels:
Oatmeal helps in fighting obesity as its soluble fibre slows down digestion, thus increasing the sense of fullness.

Incorporating Oat Diet
When you take a look at your kitchen shelf you should see a whole range of products what are rich in fibre. But remember that the fibre should be soluble fibre. One way to incorporate oats in diet is to consume a small bowl of oat meal porridge every day. Another way is to use rolled oats and normal oats in cookies or in granola or muesli bars or in other such snacks.

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