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Post # 1
Christmas plum pudding
Time Taken : 45-60 mins

200g - fresh bread crumbs
200g - butter
2 tsp - instant coffee (Nescafe or Bru)
2 tsp - golden or date syrup
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 - eggs beaten well
1/4 cup rum
1 tsp - ground cinnamon and cloves
1/4 tsp - ground nutmeg
100g - raisins
100g - chopped sultanas
100g - mixed peel
1/2 tsp - salt
100g - sugar

Cream the butter and sugar together then add the eggs and mix well.
Gradually add all the other ingredients and mix well.
Grease a pudding mould or any suitable bowl with butter.
Pour the pudding mixture into it then steam the pudding for about 1 hour on low heat till it is firm to touch.

Note: This pudding can be made in advance and refrigerated till required. Steam for 10 minute or microwave for 3 minutes before serving. For a more exotic taste, when still warm make a few small holes all over the pudding and pour about 6 tablespoons of rum over it.

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