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Post # 1
Common Cold Prevention
A cold virus enters in a body through mouth or nose, but there are some reasons the person is responsible himself for illness. The virus can spread through droplets in the air when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes or talks. But it also spreads by direct contact with someone who has a cold or by using shared things, such as utensils, towels, toys or telephones. Touch the eyes, nose or mouth after such contact or exposure, the person must catch a cold.
There are some tips for prevention of common cold. If people will follow them they can save from illness.

• Drink  lots of liquid:
Human body naturally needs eight glasses of water a day. Human body needs water to function efficiently and it can fight off disease better. Water, juice, tea and warm soup are all good choices. They help replace fluids lost during mucus production or fever.

• Frequently wash your hands:
The germs of cold can spread through hand. One can get it if he/she touches the things that are under the use of a cold victim. Some time it is not possible to avoid such person so for safety wash your hands instantly after touch them or shaking hand.

• Take rest
Rest is important for human body if rest is not complete body can become ill. If a person feels fatigue or uncomfortable he should take rest and avoid gym or any exercises. This rest can help regain energy and person can save from the cold attack.

• Don’t touch your face
After the meeting with a patient of cold one should not touch his face especially his eyes and nose before washing his hands.

• Eat healthy diet
Energizing foods keep the body healthy and increase resistance power against germs of illness. Every body should always eat healthy food for a healthy life.

• Adjust room temperature and humidity
The temperature of room should warm, but not overheated during winter. If the air is dry, a cool mist humidifier can moisten the air and help ease congestion and coughing. Be sure to keep the humidifier clean to prevent the growth of bacteria and molds.

• Use Vitamins
It is a good habit to take Vitamins. These Vitamins save the person from the illness. But if a person feels sick he should use vitamin C as it helps strengthen his immune system and is good before getting a cold.
Post # 2
RE: Common Cold Prevention
thanks for sharing usefull tips for cold....

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