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Post # 1
Tips for Teens
If I could go back in time, I would do certain things differently. I'm not saying I have a lot of regrets. But when I was younger I took life easy since my Parent were there to support me and look into my every needs, it was hard to imagine that one day I would be older. I wish that, when I was younger, someone had sat me down and told me that I needed to learn to keep control over money and lavish lifestyle. Or else I wish that I'd listened when someone attempted to do this. If you're young, take a seat and listen up for it will help you secure a successful future.  You may want to do something that doesn't require a college degree. For instance, you may dream of taking a low paid job or joining a music band or running a small scale business on your own after high school. But thats not your final goal or achievement. These days the world is changing with alot of competition in every field therefore you must give serious consideration to enrolling in college anyway. Yes, it's a major investment, but if your parents are unable to help you pay for it, make it happen yourself. It's easier to get a degree when you're young than when you have a home, family and all the adult responsibilities that go with these things. Your earnings potential increases significantly with a college degree which will come in handy if your other dreams don't materialize. If you're having trouble figuring out what you want to do with your life, look within. You were born with certain talents and natural abilities. You know which subjects you excel in and which ones you struggle with. Choose a career that enables you to experience a love of learning and fulfil your desires. Finally Begin retirement planning with your first job.  Best of Luck !!
Post # 2
RE: Tips for Teens
Wow ! What an enlightening thought...Great, Elias !

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