Post # 1
18 months infant milestones
18 months infant milestones
A 18 months old infant shows the following developments: Motor Development • Walk well and can carry a toy while walking. • Jump with feet together. • Bend to pick things up from the floor. • Walk backwards. • Climb into an adult chair and then turn and sit. • Have stopped casting. Fine Motor / Vision Development • Throw a ball. • Build a 3 brick tower using 1 inch cube wooden bricks. • Hold a crayon in her fist. • Dump a raisin from a jar - so she knows how to get something that is not easily accessible. • Copy a line. Speech and Language Development • Name one body part. • Identify one picture if asked to do so. Personal / Social Development • Feed with a spoon without making too much of a mess. • Use symbolic play - so will brush a doll's hair. • Find a completely hidden toy - so is aware of the permanence of objects. • Indicate toilet needs. • Alternate between clinging and resistance. |