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friday market

Seagaia Ocean Dome

Seagaia Ocean Dome is the Globe’s biggest interior water park situated in the Miyazaki city, Japan. The dome is about 100meters wide and 300metere of length.The Ocean Dome found a place in the Guinness world records.

The dome dons a false fire ripping volcano, the globe’s biggest retraceable cover, synthetic sand, offering an eternal blue even when day is raining. The temperature of the area is preserved at 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30degeree Celsius), and water at 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degree Celsius).

Seagaia Ocean Dome is a manmade beach in Japan. At a time nearly 10,000 tourists can be accommodated inside this artificial beach.

Some of the other attractions you can find at Seagaia Ocean Dome are golf courses, tennis courts, and zoo. You can find extraordinary collections of animals. . Some of the residents you can find are ring-tailed lemurs, Indian wood storks, etc.

Some of the other activities, you can find are the Phoenix Bowl Bowling Alley, Seagaia Pottery Studio, where you can try your hands in making beautiful pottery objects with Bjorn’s Kiln.

Opening hours

The Seagaia Ocean Dome is opened from 10:00 to 20:00 hrs.

Admission tickets

The entrance fees are 2600yen for adults, 1600 yen for kids above 4 years. For children below 4 years, the admission fee is 800yen.


Phoenix Seagaia Resort
Hamayama, Yamasaki-Cho, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture 880-8545
TEL: 0985-21-1111
mail id : yoyaku@seagaia.com

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