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Shree Bharatha Sharada Mandir (SSBM)

The Shree Bharatha Sharadha Mandir, SSBM in short is an Indian school Gauteng. It has grown into one of the most prominent private school. It was started more than 7 decades ago, in the year 1936. It was initially started as a vernacular school. Later it got evolved into a kindergarten, then in 1976, it developed into a preschool. Later in the year 1996, it at last became a full-fledged school.

The school strives to make the children a better individuals by offering a reasonable, eminence value based education. The institution provides comprehensive education and makes the learners to be physcialy and emotionally fir. The school molds the children in such a way, to become more self dependent.
The school has 60 teachers as staff. These educators are proficient in their subjects and they strive to inculcate good values, the nurture the students with moral values. The institution vigorously believes, the education is the root of a plant, culture its flower, and the wisdom as its fruit.
As per the FET (Further Education and Training) Phase, the eastern languages like Tamil, Hindi, and Guajarati are added as vital part of the school’s curriculum.

Telephone: Fax Number: Physical Address: Postal Address:

Office 1: 0118522211 Office: 0118522218 24 Salvia Street, Ext. 3, P O Box 1454, Lenasia, 1820

Office 2: 0118522344 Lenasia, 1827


Bursar – Ext 201

Elementary – Ext 202

Foundation – Ext 214

Estate Manager – Ext 208

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