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Switzerland Profile and History


Switzerland also called as the Swiss Condferation is a centralized republic, comprising of 26 provinces, with its headquarters at Bern. The nation is situated in the western part of Europe. In the north it is bordered by Germany, in the west by France, in the set by Italy and in the west by Liechtenstein and Austria.

Geographically, Switzerland is a landlocked nation, separated amid the Central Plateau, Alps, and the Jura, covering a total region of 15,940 sq miles (41,285 km2). Alps form the major portion of the region, and it is inhabited by a majority of the Swiss population. The Swiss cities of Zurich and Geneva, known globally is located in this region.

Switzerland has to its credit a lengthy record of impartiality. Eversince 1815, the nation has not been involved in any conflict, both locally and globally. Until 2002, it was not part of the United Nations; it adopts its own policy and is frequently involved in peace building missions around the globe. The renowned humanitarian origination, the Red Cross was founded at Switzerland, with its base at Geneva. It also one of the members to find the European Free Trade Association and is constituent of the Schengen region. The biggest office of the UN is found in Switzerland at Geneva.

Capital: Bern

Founded on: 1st August, 1291, recognized as a federal state on 12th September 1848.

Languages:German (63.7%) is the most widely spoken official language followed by, French (20.4%), Italian (6.5%), Romansh (0.5%).

Currency: Swiss franc (CHF)

Religion: Christianity is the major religion of which 41.8% are Roman Catholics, 35.3% are Protestants, other minority Christianity communities are the Neo Pietism, Pentecostalism, etc. The other non Christian communities living in small numbers are Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews etc.


The earliest traces of Hominid existence in Switzerland are some 150,000 years ago, around 5300 BC, the oldest identified farming settlement existed at Gächlingen. The people of La Tène and Hallstatt cultures were the most primitive known tribes. The La Tène Culture is named after the La Tène site, which existed on Lake Neuchâtel’s northern shores around 450 BC during the Iron Age, probably under the Etruscan civilizations and Greek’s influence. Helvetii are one of the significant tribal groups to exist in the Swiss area. In 58 BC, the armies of Julius Caesar were defeated at Helvetii in the Battle of Bibracte.

During the early middle ages, in the 4th Century, Switzerland was part of the Kingdom of Burgundy; the Alemanni inhabited the plateau of Switzerland in the 5th century and the Alps valley in the 8th century, creating Alemannia. Hence the present day Switzerland is segregated between Burgundy and Alemannia.

Subsequent to the victory of King Clovis I's over the Alemannis, Switzerland became part of the Frankish empire and continued to be under its rule in the sixth, seventh and eighth centuries.

During the Second World War, German made plans to invade Switzerland; however it was never attacked by the Nazis. They acted wisely by providing concessions to the Germans, and with an amalgamation of military avoidance, it stayed independent.

In 1959, in the first Swiss cantons, women were granted the right to cast their votes. At present it is one of the wealthiest nations on the globe. It has the credit of having the highest per captia gross domestic product. It boasts of having the highest wealth per individual in the world, with an average Swiss having a wealth of $372,692 in his possession.

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