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The Requirements for French Visa

The French Visa is issued to an applicant for various purposes such as study, leisure, or work.

Student visa for extended stay with VLS-TS residency permit

Except for the national belonging to Algeria, all other country’s citizens are permitted to apply for this French Visa of one year duration, in order to cover the residency and education in France.

90 days validity uniform visa

This French short duration visa is given to the applicant for a time period of up to 90 days.This includes language pupil, school students, or individuals who intend to study a short duration course.

The Scientific visa

This visa is an extended stay visa for duration of one year. This is for candidates having higher qualification or possessing a master’s degree, to carry out study or to tutor on France at the university echelon.

French work visa

The work visa is issued under the following categories.

A renewable visa for a three year duration period called the skills and talents permit is issued for professional action pertaining to a particular project.

The temporary and salaried work permit includes candidates hailing from various professional genres.

The worker on assignment permit, and the staff on task card pertain to the senior managers or workers of oversees organizations, who has been seconded to the French nation.

The seasonal permit includes candidates who possess a master’s degree and also to implement study or activities in teaching.

The Schengen short-stay visa

The candidates who apply for this short duration French visa must possess a valid passport and a valid proof to support his stay in the Schengen region.

Short stay visa in order to marry a French citizen.

If a candidate intend to apply this type of visa, then he has must have a two document sets, along with a brief description about themselves, their future partner (spouse) and the marriage rituals.

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