The school functions with the most modern amenities like large classrooms, sports grounds, play ground, kinder garden entertaining area, high tech Science , Maths and computer labs, well maintained library, auditorium, health & fitness club as well as smart class method in all grades.
The school offers the subsequent subjects
English (1st Language & medium of instruction)
Hindi 2nd Language, UKG onwards)
Arabic/ Malayalam/ Urdu/ /Kannada/ Marathi /Tamil/ Telugu (3rd Language, Grade II onwards)
General Science
Health & Physical Education
Social Science
Arts &Craft (S.U.P.W)
Computer Science
Islamic Studies/ Moral Science
General Knowledge
Saudi History & Culture
School Address
Yara International School
P.O.Box:325965, Riyadh – 11371
Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University Building,
Vazir Street, Dheera District, Riyadh, K.S.A.
Enquiries 0096611 2869960/4111610/4145978
Fax 00966-11-4110935
E-mail [email protected]