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Education in Lebanon

In Lebanon, the primary education is for kids in the age group of three to four. The fundamental education comprise of two tiers, elementery & intermediatery level. The elementary stage is cycle 1, (from 1 to 3) and cycle 2(from 4th to 6th grade). The Intermediate stage is cycle 2(from the 7th to 9th grade). The Secondary education is cycle 4(from the 10th to 12th grade).

Basic education

In 2007, as per the data base of world bank, the basic education‘s elementery level gross enrolment is 96.8% for males and 93.9% for females. The share of private enrollment at elementary stage is 67.6%.

Intermediate level

As per the record of the World Bank, the rate of gross enrollment for females is 90.7%, for males it is 83.2percent for males, and a total of 86.9% in the year 2007.In that year the rate of primary completion for males is 79.8percetn, for females it is 83.3 percent and in total it is 81.5 percent.

Higher education

In Lebanon, the higher education comprise of vocational and Technical institutes, University Institutes, University colleges, and Universities. The only public institution in the country is the Lebanese University.

After the completion of high school the pupils in Lebanon can opt to either study in a University, or a vocational training institute or college. For each program, the number of years to complete differs.

Globally, the Lebanese Baccalaureate is recognized. If the pupil has other nationality than French Baccalaureate is offered. The French Baccalaureate is also acknowledged.

Some of the top notched universities are the Lebanese university (LU), the Lebanese American University (LAU), the University of Balamand, the American University of Science & Technology (AUST), etc. In the year 2005, the United Nations has allocated a 0.84educiton index.


The curriculum of Lebanon is utilized in all the country’s private and public institutors. Both the foreign and Lebanon schemes are implemented in schools. Foreign syllabuses like English, French or global prospectus is put into practice in schools.

Medium of instruction

From early years, French, Arabic or English are taught in schools. French or English becomes compulsory instruction medium after the primary education. Subjects like science and maths are taught in these languages.

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